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Xerox DocuShare Database Schema

accessTable ACL_table backgroundJob_table cachedTempTableTable cameFromTable careAboutTable CE_guid_Mapping CE_table Class_Def_Table Class_Display_Sequence deferredEventTable deleteObjectSkipData deleteObjectSkipDataBG deleteObjectTempData deleteObjectTempDataBG DSObject_table DSProp_table DWE_Corr_Sets DWE_Corr_Tokens DWE_Delay_Timers DWE_Internal_Task_Attributes DWE_Internal_WF_Attributes DWE_Max_Id DWE_Meta_Data DWE_Org_Resources DWE_Organizations DWE_Predecessors DWE_Resource_Attributes DWE_Resource_Roles DWE_Resources DWE_Roles DWE_Subscriptions DWE_Task_Attributes DWE_Tasks DWE_WF_Attributes DWE_Workflow_Documents DWE_Workflows eventObjectTable eventTable expungeObjectSkipData expungeObjectSkipDataBG expungeObjectTempData expungeObjectTempDataBG federationApplicants FedPropMap forwardedEventTable forwardedSubsTable indexRecovery Ingester_Recovery InstanceStringTable isDeleted_table Link_table Linkdesc_table modifyACLSkipData modifyACLTempData… Continue reading Xerox DocuShare Database Schema

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5 Ways Content Migration as a Service (CMaaS) Can Help

A typical first step in many migration projects is to research, select and procure a migration tool. Content Migration as a Service (CMaaS) changes this concept. CMaaS also delivers the outcome not just the means to achieve it. Sometimes CMaaS is a better approach for your scenario. We have put together some examples of how… Continue reading 5 Ways Content Migration as a Service (CMaaS) Can Help


Simple – 3 Simple Benefits of Content Consolidation

Every business we have ever worked with has content stored in multiple places. Content consolidation is the act of distilling the number of such repositories down to the minimum and in each case the best for the content concerned. Consolidation invariably entails migrating content out of and retiring legacy repositories. We can migrate these repositories… Continue reading Simple – 3 Simple Benefits of Content Consolidation


Simple – Content Migration in 3 Headings

We specialise in content migration with a specific focus on migration to SharePoint. Put simply we help our customers to deliver their Migration Projects by building robust Content Migration Processes leveraging our Content Migration Tooling. See also Migration Project Content typically refers to document content (Word; PDF; Excel etc), or HTML presented content (Web… Continue reading Simple – Content Migration in 3 Headings
